US officials are seeking access to the executive of Binance in Nigeria due to health concerns

According to a senior Nigerian official who spoke to local media, the United States is interested in accessing the detained Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan, citing concerns regarding his health while he is still incarcerated in Nigeria.

A top official from the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs talked to the outlet yesterday on the condition of anonymity, according to Punch media.

The unnamed official declared that the United States is concerned about Gambaryan’s health, particularly in light of the fact that his family has publicly disclosed the matter in the United States (emphasis added). In addition, the official stated that the United States is seeking consular access.

“I would not characterize their actions as lobbying; rather, they are apprehensive that they are not being granted access to the individual, who is a US citizen. Please bear in mind that Binance encountered an issue in the United States as well.”

In this instance, consular access pertains to the communication between government officials, who are representing the United States, and imprisoned nationals to check their welfare, guarantee legal representation, medical care, or even provide reading material. This obligation is mutual and is “founded on covenants between the United States government and foreign governments.”

in February 2024, Gambaryan was apprehended and charged with money laundering. “While in penal detention, his health has continued to deteriorate,” according to his attorney. A probation request was submitted last week, and the courts are expected to make a decision on it next month.

However, a member of the defense counsel is currently making an effort to refute this parole application. Their claim was that Gambaryan was exaggerating his illness. Nigerian officials have also accused Gambaryan of declining medical treatment.

Last Wednesday, Binance CEO Richard Teng reiterated that “He must be permitted to return home for medical treatment and to be with his family.” He also referred to his treatment in Nigeria as “inhumane.”

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