Survey finds that AI professionals believe the United States should establish a new federal agency

The 213 CS academics who responded to the poll suggest that AI may not be the massive job-killer that the C-suite says it will be.

According to a study done by Axios, Generation Lab, and Syracuse University, a majority of experts think the United States should establish a new government body responsible for governing AI.

The study questioned 213 computer science academics from 65 of the best colleges in the United States on various aspects of artificial intelligence.

Information gathered in response to the question “What is the best institution to regulate AI?” Among those polled, just 16% said “Congress,” only 2% more than the amount who said “irrelevant: AI cannot be regulated.” Fewer than 10% of people gave responses like “none: AI should not be regulated” (3%), “White House” (4%), or “private sector” (3%).

The impact of the AI industry on the job market of the future was also probed in the poll. The vast majority of survey takers said they would encourage a young person to enter the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), engineering, or data science.

On the other hand, when asked which sectors young people should avoid, 31% of academics said they would advise against pursuing a career in journalism, and 19% said the same thing about the arts.

The consensus of the professionals seemed to be at odds with that of the public and corporate elite. In contrast to the latter, who often poll exaggeratedly about how AI technology will soon transform the economic and employment landscape, the majority of professors (73%) said they expect AI to be able to perform less than 20% of tasks that humans do today at or above human level.

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