The Origins of Bitcoin Revealed in Emails from Nakamoto and Malmi

Emails that Malmi had previously made public, which are now famous as proof that Craig Wright was not the original founder.

A 120-page email exchange between Satoshi Nakamoto and his former business partner Martti Malmi revealed key details about the first months of Bitcoin’s existence, despite ongoing debates about Satoshi’s actual identity as the anonymous creator.

Chinese lawmaker Colin Wu recently used his popular crypto social media account, Wu Blockchain, to post some letters written by Nakamoto and Malmi earlier this year. These letters were originally created to “prove” Craig Wright’s claim to the original Bitcoin developer.

That discussion seemed to imply a disagreement between “I don’t want to invest—J. Malmi,” as stated in the Wu Blockchain X article. Wu was warned of this in his “X article,” where he also noted the overwhelming strength of Bitcoin in contrast to Nakamoto. Also revealed between 2009 and 2011 was Malmi’s email to Nakamoto.

“I believe the anonymous viewpoint needs less attention. We cannot convey the idea that it is intrinsically anonymous, given the prevalence of bitcoin addresses as opposed to IP addresses. Being anonymous is doable, but you need to exercise caution.”

The dispute gained momentum due to this email and Nakamoto’s views that Bitcoin should not be considered “as a safe investment.” Even though Donachy was hesitant to make the emails public at first because of the Wright trial, he now acknowledges that they are admissible as evidence in court. Contrary to popular belief, there is no concrete evidence linking Satoshi Nakamoto to his true identity in those emails. Nevertheless, the nature of the communication may reveal the goals and worries of the man behind Bitcoin.

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