R. Kiyosaki warns that U.S. inflation is now systemic and claims that the Fed chairman was “lying through his teeth”

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling personal finance book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” has warned about the current level of inflation in the United States and criticized authorities for portraying the situation inaccurately.

According to Kiyosaki, inflation is now systemic, and residents should prepare to continue paying higher prices for the next several years, said in a March 19 special edition on his YouTube channel.

Significantly, the Federal Reserve has previously expressed confidence that the present inflationary pressures are transitory and would shortly abate. On the other hand, Kiyosaki said that Fed Chair Jerome Powell is not genuine.

“Now, inflation is systemic. You will pay more and more the next year than we anticipate.” R. Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” warns that “starvation is approaching” as a financial collapse approaches.

Based on how the United States handled the financial crisis after the bankruptcy of three lenders in a matter of days, Kiyosaki also projected a further increase in inflation. He said the United States would likely create more money to save the banks, resulting in more inflation.

Kiyosaki disputed that President Joe Biden had guaranteed that the rescue for failing banks would not cost taxpayers any money. According to Finbold, a financial educator opposed Biden’s position.

Despite this, Kiyosaki remained worried about American taxpayers and the economy. He thought the Federal Reserve and the FDIC were signaling hyperinflation by continually producing “false money.” 

Kiyosaki said that the inflation problem predicts an imminent worldwide economic collapse that the Federal Reserve has intensified. With this sentence, he argues that investing in precious metals such as gold and silver is the most excellent alternative to “false money.”

Kiyosaki has also claimed that Bitcoin (BTC) is a desirable commodity to protect against the anticipated economic collapse. Despite the financial sector’s contagion, Bitcoin is leading the crypto market comeback amid inflationary fears.

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