Qatar’s CEOs value growth, ESG, and AI investment

Leaders in Qatar are more optimistic about the future of their country’s economy than their counterparts across the world.

More than eighty percent of Qatar company executives are optimistic about their companies’ future development in KPMG’s 2023 CEO Outlook Report. In spite of economic uncertainty, Qatar’s CEOs remain steadfast in their commitment to organic development, digitalization, and resilience, as seen by their amazing optimism, which stands out on a worldwide scale.

According to KPMG’s research, Qatar’s CEOs remain optimistic as they navigate the constantly changing economic and geopolitical situation. These executives have shown unwavering dedication to honesty and long-term strategy planning in the face of cyber dangers and regulatory roadblocks. Even in difficult circumstances, CEOs in Qatar are prepared to make courageous choices for the sake of society, according to Ahmed Abu-Sharkh, Country Senior Partner at KPMG in Qatar.

Their steadfast optimism extends to the future of their industry and organizations’ development. In particular, compared to CEOs throughout the world, 80% of Qatar’s CEOs are optimistic about the future of their companies’ development. It is evident that they are determined to weather economic risks by focusing on organic growth, digitalization, and resilient practices. The CEOs of Qatar continue to display an optimistic outlook on organizational growth, despite increased caution as a result of regional and global economic development.

The chief executive officers of Qatar companies are aware of the value of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) principles in the long run. Among them, despite obstacles like rising prices and shareholder scrutiny, you may boost your brand’s image, strengthen your relationships with customers, and recruit top personnel. According to Omar Mahmood, a partner and head of financial services at KPMG in Qatar, ESG offers a great chance for CEOs in Qatar to generate sustainable development in the long run by improving stakeholder relationships and stepping up their ESG efforts.

The paper claims that ESG is now seen as a powerful force in business strategy, rather than a passing trend. Responsible and sustainable business practices that meet global standards are reflected in this transition.

The KPMG CEO Outlook report makes clear the outlook for Qatar’s workforce in the future. A high focus on inclusion, diversity, and equity (IDE) is present, even though 72% expect a complete return to the workplace and 24% are considering hybrid models.

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