Elon Musk Voices Serious Concerns About AI

Elon Musk, the tech magnate and founder of Grok AI, has issued a crucial warning about the further development of AI that might be harmful.

Elon Musk, who has built xAI and owns the X platform among other successful tech firms, has used his X account to offer a stern warning about the current trajectory of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, he maintains command of the Grok AI bot that his business developed.

A recent interview with US-based entrepreneur Katherine Maher, chief executive and president of NPR-National Public Radio, was the subject of Musk’s comments.

The 1.2 million-follower Marc Andreessen posted the excerpt from the interview that Musk remarked on. In that clip, Maher discusses the US law that guarantees press and speech freedom, the First Amendment. Getting the matter of censorship of online content out of the way seems to be a top priority for the NRP CEO.

According to what Andreessen tweeted, Maher is one of millions of individuals who share his views and are now advocating for internet control. He emphasised that AI is now undergoing a similar process.

In the same vein as Andreessen, Musk has warned that this kind of AI training poses a serious threat to human civilization. He had previously tweeted an insult at OpenAI and its ChatGPT product, saying that the company’s decision to include censorship and “wokeness” in it might have terrible future consequences for mankind.

In response to Musk’s post, members of the cryptocurrency community praised Grok, calling it a “truthful AI” that is devoid of such biases.

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