OKX has the ability to freeze your funds if you transfer them to this cryptocurrency platform

Star Xu, the CEO of OKX, has issued a warning to consumers about the dangers that are associated with the sanctioned cryptocurrency mixer Tornado Cash.

On August 9, Xu made a message on the X platform in which he emphasized that withdrawals to sanctioned businesses, such as Garantex and Tornado Cash, as well as deposits from sanctioned entities, might potentially trigger compliance concerns and result in account suspensions.

A strong emphasis was placed by Xu on the fact that OKX conforms to all applicable sanctions policies, including those that are imposed by the United States.

The exchange is unable to offer services to sanctioned persons or businesses as a result of the fact that it does not accept clients who are on the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List.

He made it clear that this policy has been in effect for a considerable amount of time and is not a recent development. According to Xu:

“Our compliance team has the ability to freeze the linked funds and off-board the account in the event that our sanctions controls are activated as a result of deposits or withdrawals made to a sanctioned exchange or DeFi protocol, such as Garantex or Tornado Cash.”

Satoshi Friends, a user on X, issued a public call to action, urging users from the Commonwealth of Independent States to remove their cash off the site. This warning comes as a result of that appeal.

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