Weekly Report (22– 28 Jan. 24) | What Happened This Week In Crypto

This report will provide some essential and quick news about the cryptocurrencies happening worldwide.

1) Citadel.One Incurs $93,000 Loss Due To Security Breach On Arbitrum Network

The alert systems of industry-leading cybersecurity provider BlockSec discovered the event that occurred on the Arbitrum network. Estimates place the monetary losses caused by the assault at roughly $93,000, as previously reported…[continue reading]

2) CFTC Warns That AI Cannot Predict The Next Cryptocurrency Victor

Those looking to make a killing in the cryptocurrency market should not put their faith in trading bots powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The CFTC has stressed again that AI is not capable of foretelling the future, despite the fact that it has recently become quite popular...[continue reading]

3) The DOJ Probe Is Highlighted In The Cruise’s Internal Incident Report

Following a noteworthy incident on October 2, federal prosecutors and securities authorities are presently investigating Cruise, General Motors’ (GM) driverless car business. In this incident, a human-driven car struck a pedestrian in San Francisco before a Cruise robotaxi pulled it along…[continue reading]

4) Bitcoin ETF Spot Transparency Sets A New Standard For Bitwise

Bitcoin spot ETF holdings and movements are available to the public, according to asset management company Bitwise. In light of this, many in the cryptocurrency industry are wondering whether the other spot Bitcoin ETF candidates who were just authorized would make similar disclosures…[continue reading]

5) Bitcoin And Crypto-Related Tax Revenue Fall In Indonesia

Despite the fact that Indonesia introduced a new cryptocurrency tax system in 2022, the regime’s income fell by 63% in 2023. Actually, only 467.27 billion Indonesian rupiahs, or $31.7 million, were received in 2023. Dwi Astuti, the Director of Public Relations at DJP, reportedly told Always Kontan.co.id that exceptional deposits in 2023 totaled a meager 127.66 billion rupiah…[continue reading]

6) Sega And Finschia Form A Partnership To Advance Web3 Gaming

The surprising partnership between Sega and Finschia, a blockchain initiative, has taken everyone by surprise. Beyond just securing the Finschia network, this relationship implies that Sega may be collaborating on new Web3 games based on their famous franchises…[continue reading]

7) US Legislators Investigate Meta’s Blockchain And Cryptocurrency Initiatives

Since Meta has five ongoing trademark applications pertaining to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, the US House Financial Services Committee is pressuring the company to reveal any intentions it may have about these topics…[continue reading]