Vitalik Buterin Addresses Argentina: “Decentralization Is About Much More Than Money”

Vitalik Buterin reportedly travelled to Buenos Aires to personally see inflation. The Ethereum community in Argentina adored the founder and regarded him like a king. Social media was awash with images of Vitalik meeting the country’s officials and IT heavyweights. Then there was a rumour. The guy offered to deliver a free lecture if the community could organise it quickly enough.

In less than five minutes, the enthusiastic public grabbed 800 virtual tickets. While they were free, the excitement was evident. Vitalik Buterin took the stage wearing flip-flops for reasons unknown to him. He talks quickly and seldom pauses to ponder. Vitalik casually tosses out Ethereum-related project names, believing that everyone in the crowd understands precisely what he’s talking about.

Vitalik describes the Argentinian Ethereum community as “far larger than I anticipated.” Even more, than I’ve seen anywhere in the globe.” He highlights numerous Argentine-based initiatives, including Proof Of Humanity, Nomics, OpenZeppelin, and Kleros. According to Vitalik, the nation has an “unbelievable quantity of talent” and a genuine demand for blockchain technology. Argentina’s so-called Web3 is resolving issues.

Then he flung one of the headline-grabbing sentences. Argentina, according to Ethereum’s developer, has a “poor state capacity but a very high population capacity.”

What Did Vitalik Have to Say About the Future of Ethereum?

“DAOs are the thing that is finally ready to happen,” the guy asserts. He also forecasted growth for ENS, Ethereum’s popular name server. Vitalik discussed his new plan, which he dubbed the merging, the surge, the verge, the purge, and the splurge. For further details, see the diagram he just published on Twitter:

Vitalik is, in general, a fixer. He acknowledged that the Ethereum blockchain has a number of issues, but that each one is being addressed. For instance, he pledged that Ethereum will eventually adopt the Proof-Of-Stake consensus method. When that occurs, Vitalik said, they would “dismantle Infura’s centralization.” And issued a challenge to all wallet developers. “By the year 2022, we should be able to make Ethereum decentralised and useable. Let us proceed.”

Ethereum’s founder discussed his thoughts on decentralisation. He maintains that the idea does not entail the absence of leaders. It does mean, though, that such leaders cannot act unilaterally and must try to win everyone’s respect. And that there are systems in place to facilitate the emergence of new leaders. He believes that a project requires a strong vision and that “Ethereum has become more decentralised over time.”

Later in the conversation, Vitalik said the sentence that serves as the headline of this article: “I believe the benefit of decentralisation extends well beyond money.” A sentence that encapsulates the Ethereum ethos.

Apart from Ethereum, the hosts and Vitalik covered a variety of issues, including fractional ownership (of real estate), life extension technology, the role of blockchains in the growth of social media, and credible neutrality. According to Ethereum’s designer, social media platforms may avoid centralised moderation by promoting positive conduct and penalising bad actors at the protocol level. By and large, the guy is a futurist, believing that technology can and will solve the majority of issues.

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