Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev is in need of additional funding to pursue a legal appeal

The case of Pertsev is a critical moment for the crypto community and advocates of digital privacy.

Alexey Pertsev, the developer of Tornado Cash, has reached a critical juncture in his legal conflict regarding the freedom to publish code and privacy rights. He is currently seeking additional funding to continue his advocacy.

According to Pertsev and Roman Storm’s support account, Pertsev, who was detained two years ago and is now entangled in a high-stakes legal struggle, is now up against government forces with massive resources committed to his persecution.

The support account emphasized the dire financial situation, indicating that Pertsev has exhausted his funds. The account said, “It’s time to stand with Alexey and fight for what’s right.” It also stressed the pressing need for $750,000 to $1 million to pay for ongoing court fees.

The cryptocurrency community has consistently united behind Pertsev and Storm, the co-developers of Tornado Cash, despite the fact that they are facing charges of money laundering, sanctions breaches, and running an illegal money-transmitting firm.

This support has resulted in the establishment of JusticeDAO, an advocacy organization that is dedicated to raising funds for the developers’ legal defenses. During the “Free Alexey & Roman” fundraiser on the decentralized platform Juicebox, the group had amassed over 654 Ether, which was approximately $2.3 million at the time, by June 19.

Furthermore, the JusticeDAO page raised an additional 70 Ether. Juicebox has upheld transparency by publishing a publicly accessible spreadsheet that monitors the expenditures of the “Free Alexey & Roman” fund. This spreadsheet discloses that $1.39 million was allocated to legal fees between December 2023 and May 2024.

In spite of these significant endeavors, the financial obligations associated with Pertsev’s legal struggle are substantial. His lawyers are preparing to appeal the allegations of money laundering, and he stays incarcerated after being denied release from prison.

The denial of Pertsev’s request to access a computer to prepare for his appeal has further complicated his situation, emphasizing the obstacles he encounters in pursuing an effective defense.

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