The website of Terra has been compromised

Users of Terra have been urged to stay away from the official site since it has become a phishing scam.

The original Terra website has been replaced with a malicious phishing domain that might compromise users’ digital assets.

Users of Terra have been urged to stay away from the official site since it has become a phishing scam. According to tweets from the official Terra account, users are being urged to wait to utilize the terra(dot)money domain until further notice.

The official Terra account has been updated with information from the event and advises players to exclusively utilize official communication channels like X (previously Twitter), Discord, and Telegram for updates at this time.

According to creator Kiruse, the phishing site poses as the legitimate Terra website in an attempt to steal user credentials.

The fake update pop-up on the malicious site is designed to deceive users into disclosing sensitive information that might be used to steal their keys or money. Users are being warned from upgrading their Terra Station Wallets while the scenario unfolds.

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