Senate pushes DOD to analyze blockchain for national security

The working committee has established April 2025 as the deadline for the development of a blockchain integration plan.

The US Senate Committee on Armed Services has advised Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to investigate the potential applications of blockchain technology for national security and supply chain management within the Department of Defense.

The committee acknowledged blockchain’s ability to strengthen military supply chain crypto, data integrity, and decrease risks of adversarial data manipulation in its July 9, 2025, National military Authorization Act (NDAA) report.

The report urges the Department of Defense (DoD) to examine blockchain applications in order to “achieve national security objectives and to generate secure, transparent, accountable, and auditable data regarding supply chains.”

Secretary Austin has been directed by the committee to deliver a briefing on six critical topics by April 1, 2025. These include the development of pilot programs to investigate the potential of blockchain in national security applications, the identification of benefits and risks for supply chain management, the analysis of current industry and foreign country adoption, and the provision of cost and feasibility estimates.

The paper stated that “blockchain technology has the ability to improve data integrity, strengthen the cryptographic integrity of the military supply chain, and lessen the danger of near-peer rivals manipulating or corrupting specific kinds of data.”

The issuance of this directive aligns with the increasing interest among US politicians for the adoption of cryptocurrency. The Republican National Committee (RNC) recently approved a draft policy platform that supports the mining of Bitcoin and other proof-of-work networks. The organization’s platform states that they will “defend the right to mine Bitcoin, ensure that every American has the right to self-custody of their digital assets, and conduct transactions with freedom from government surveillance and control.”

The increasing interest in blockchain and crypto applications at the highest levels of US government and politics is underscored by the Senate committee’s blockchain exploration directive and the RNC’s crypto-friendly stance. Trump, the presumptive nominee for the forthcoming US elections, has declared that the United States should be the leader in blockchain and crypto innovation.

These advancements have the potential to quicken the adoption of blockchain technology in government applications and critical infrastructure, as well as influence the future understanding and implementation of crypto policy.

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