RFK Jr. proposes storing the whole US budget on a blockchain

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has pledged to use Bitcoin (BTC) to support the value of the US dollar if elected president, and he is a vocal proponent of decentralized technology and Bitcoin.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a contender for president of the United States, has proposed storing the whole national budget on the blockchain.

In an April 21 rally in Michigan, he made the proposal and said that the change would make “any budget item whenever they want, 24 hours a day” available to all Americans.

“If someone spends $16,000 on a toilet seat, everyone will know about it because we’re going to have 300 million eyes on our budget.”

Voters would be able to see exactly where their money is going under Kennedy’s approach, which would increase accountability and transparency.

Crypto enthusiasts gushed about the blockchain plan on social media, claiming it would put a stop to corruption and be a revolutionary step forward.

Outside of the supply chain, one user suggested that transparent public accounting may be blockchain technology’s ideal application: “When the president and Congress are complicit in corruption, the system of checks and balances in our democracy becomes ineffective. The public must demand accountability from these leaders.”

On the other hand, there are those who believe Kennedy is really pushing for a CBDC via his blockchain proposal and have so criticized the scheme. On the other hand, Kennedy has already stated her intention to halt American attempts to implement a CBDC on the grounds that it violates personal privacy.

Following his withdrawal from consideration as the Democratic Party’s nominee in October 2023, Kennedy is vying for the presidency of the United States as an independent.

Not many presidential contenders have come out in support of decentralized technologies like Bitcoin and blockchain, but he is a staunch supporter of both.

Additionally, he has made history as the first presidential contender to use Bitcoin as a form of campaign financing. If elected president, Kennedy also stated his intention to use Bitcoin to support the US currency.

As decentralized financial options have gained favor, more politicians have argued against centralized government systems, especially financial ones.

Argentine President Javier Milei, who was favorable to Bitcoin, gained office in December 2023 after campaigning on a platform to reduce government spending.

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