Nimiq combines gas-abstracted USDC transactions with Polygon

The Nimiq Wallet now allows Polygon users to send and receive gas-abstracted USDC.

Tokenized financial transaction network If you utilize Polygon and Nimiq, you can do gas-abstracted USDC transactions in your native wallet. Users are relieved of the need to keep a separate token for transaction fees, making stablecoin processing more straightforward.

Users of the Nimiq Wallet no longer have to pay gas costs in Polygon’s native Matic cryptocurrency when sending or receiving USDC. Users need to possess USDC to make purchases. Using USDC for regular payments is much more convenient because of the wallet’s built-in smart contract, which converts gas costs from USDC to matic automatically in the background.

Nimiq combines the benefits of a streamlined crypto experience with Polygon’s cheap fees and rapid throughput by making it one of the first self-custodial wallets that support gas-abstracted transactions. The protocol is backed by the open-source Gas Station Network, which allows users of decentralized applications to pay blockchain fees using any coin.

As Nimiq ambassador Max Burger put it, “We want to make crypto payments accessible to everyone,” Including gas-abstracted USDC transactions in the Nimiq wallet is a significant step in that direction. The USDC wallet makes it easy for newcomers to the crypto space to get started right away, and as their comfort and confidence in the area grow, it may serve as a gateway to the larger crypto ecosystem.

“We are excited that Nimiq is working on this groundbreaking development on Polygon,” Polygon Labs’ director of DeFi, Hamzah Khan, stated. They are not only improving the user experience by allowing gas-abstracted USDC transactions but also encouraging more people to utilize digital assets.

Nimiq provides a Point of sale system, a map showing businesses that take cryptocurrencies, and atomic swaps between USDC, BTC, and NIM. The newest version of Nimiq Wallet supports gas-abstracted USDC transactions.

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