Lavu, a leading restaurant software platform, now accepts crypto payments in over 65 countries

An announcement was made on May 19 by worldwide restaurant software company Lavu and a global FinTech payment solution provider Verifone that they’re now working together.

It will be possible for Lavu’s restaurant software package to be seamlessly integrated with Verifone FLEX payment alternatives in more than 65 countries, allowing the firms’ customers to take advantage of several contemporary payment ways at the POS.

In essence, this will allow businesses to provide their clients with a personalised point of sale (POS) system. Verifone Engage e285 devices with Lavu’s tablet-based POS will be the first step in this strategic cooperation.

Another viewpoint is that “Bitcoin is worth nothing,” as expressed by Christine Legarde, President of the European Central Bank.

Central banks throughout the world are still wary about cryptocurrencies, and several of the world’s biggest nations are pushing for tighter regulation of the market.

Stablecoins, like any other investment, carry a degree of risk. Regulators, however, are getting more impatient with the prospect of crypto markets self-regulating.

Crypto aficionados, on the whole, have a lot of reasons to be optimistic about the future of the cryptocurrency sector. Stability and security for end-users are goals of all initiatives, including humorous ones.

It seems that markets will soon stabilise and continue their upward trajectory due to the presence of such a lively and creative group.

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