Ethereum mainnet forked due to a flaw in the older version of Geth

Due to a flaw in an older version of Geth, the Ethereum network has split, with about 54% of network nodes leaving the mainnet.

Due to a flaw in an earlier version of Geth, the Ethereum mainnet has just split. The old client-based nodes are being excluded from the main network. This may increase the risk of double-spending and monies being lost for individuals who use the network.

Go Ethereum has just tweeted that the Ethereum mainnet has forked due to a flaw in the older version of Geth. He strongly encourages all nodes to update promptly to the most recent version, 1.10.8, which was announced just days ago. Though the majority of miners are mining on the current version and there is no fear of a hard fork, Ethereum engineer Tim Beiko claims that the Flexpool,, and Binance pools have been mining on the older, unsafe version.

Ethereum is not the only chain that may be impacted by the problem and vulnerable to abuse, including Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, and DAI. On Twitter, rumors are swirling that the BSC has already been harmed.

According to reports, the fork forced 54 percent of nodes to leave the Ethereum main net. At the time of writing, ETH gas fees are significantly higher than the industry average.

Developers are advising Ethereum users to abstain from performing any transactions on the Ethereum network for the time being until the issue is rectified. Additionally, it may be prudent to avoid any significant transactions on adjacent chains.

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