Ethereum developers deploy devnet 2 ahead of the Shanghai mainnet shadow split

Ethereum has published a new developer network prior to the Ethereum Shanghai update.

Ethereum has developed a new developer network known as “devnet 2” to assist client teams in preparing for the forthcoming Shanghai upgrade.

A few months have passed since developers launched devnet 1 in November. Ben Edgington, product lead of the Teku client team, said at the most recent Ethereum consensus layer (CL) conference that Devnet 2 was published on January 11.

The devnet has mostly been established to test and check for flaws in the software for the Shanghai update, which will enable users to withdraw money staked with validators. This functionality, which is now unavailable, will be released on the mainnet in March, allowing users to regain access to staked coins that were momentarily unreachable during September’s “The Merge” change.

As part of the Shanghai upgrade’s dress rehearsals, developers are prepared to undertake a Shanghai shadow fork on the Ethereum mainnet within the next few weeks. A shadow fork is a test conducted on a version of the actual mainnet to see if the code will function on the actual blockchain.

The shadow fork will add complexity to the Shanghai testing, making it more similar to the final deployment in March, according to Ethereum engineer and Geth client team member Marius Van Der Wijden. “The shadowfork will simply add more burden to the test, including extra transactions, state, and others,” Van Der Wijden told The Block.

Before the end of February, developers are also planning a public test network for the Shanghai upgrade, which would allow stake businesses to test the Shanghai upgrade.

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