Binance CEO Calls For Political Intervention To Free Nigerian Exec

Binance is urging the US government and worldwide groups to compel Nigeria to free its senior executive, Tigran Gambaryan, who has been “unjustly detained” for six months.

Richard Teng, CEO of Binance, issued a statement on Tuesday indicating that Gambaryan, a US citizen, is undergoing grievous physical and mental deterioration as a result of the Nigerian government’s failure to provide him with sufficient medical care or legal counsel.

According to reports, the authorities have neglected to comply with the court order mandating the disclosure of Gambaryan’s medical records. Teng stated:

“Tigran’s circumstances have become increasingly risky as a result of his precipitous decline in both his physical and mental health. He is unable to walk and is in severe agony as a result of a herniated disc. The Nigerian government has denied him access to essential medical care, such as a wheelchair, despite his condition.”

The detention of the Binance executive has been tainted by what the company refers to as “baseless allegations” that connect the cryptocurrency exchange to Nigeria’s economic difficulties, which include the significant decline of the Naira currency.

Teng denied these assertions, saying that Binance’s operations in Nigeria have been comparatively modest and that the Naira’s decline is due to broader macroeconomic factors that are beyond the company’s control:

“It is unnecessary to incarcerate a blameless employee in order to address any allegations against Binance. In a reasonable, collaborative, and amicable manner, we have resolved disputes with governments in countries worldwide, including the United States, Thailand, and, most recently, Brazil and India. We conducted all of these activities without causing any injury or threat to our employees.”

Binance is currently urging the United States government to designate Gambaryan as one of its “unlawfully detained” citizens abroad. This status has the potential to exert substantial political pressure on Nigeria to liberate him on humanitarian grounds.

The company is also encouraging citizens and organizations worldwide to support Gambaryan’s freedom and to denounce Nigeria’s “unjust detention practices.”

However, Teng has indicated its readiness to collaborate with the Nigerian government in the future in order to foster the growth of the country’s Web3 industry and attract foreign investment. Nevertheless, subsequent to the Gambaryan case’s resolution. The CEO concluded by stating:

“Tigran, a former U.S. federal agent, was unlawfully and unjustly detained by key stakeholders in the Nigerian government. They could have just as easily made the equitable decision to enable him to return home. On humanitarian grounds, we implore all Nigerian decision-makers to facilitate Tigran’s secure return to his wife and two young children.”

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