Donald Trump Takes Crypto Donations Through Coinbase’s Ecommerce Platform

Trump has been vocal about his support for cryptocurrencies, calling for the formation of a “crypto army” and taking issue with Biden’s position on the matter.

The Republican contender for the presidency in 2024, Donald Trump, has declared his intention to accept payments in cryptocurrencies and pledged to form a “crypto army.” On Tuesday, at his campaign event for president, Trump endorsed cryptocurrencies while denouncing what he called Joe Biden’s “socialist government control” of digital assets.

Trump has already stressed the need of implementing a user-friendly and all-encompassing regulatory structure. Furthermore, he cast doubt on Biden and his administration’s position on cryptocurrency. Trump said Biden is against cryptocurrency assets without having a proper grasp of the concept.

Trump recently attacked crypto skeptic Senator Elizabeth Warren for her stated goal of assembling an “anti-crypto army” during her campaign. Trump highlighted the Democrats’ fight against cryptocurrency by bringing up Warren and Biden together. He added, “In an assault on cryptocurrencies, Biden surrogate Elizabeth Warren announced that she was organizing a ‘anti-crypto army’ to limit Americans’ ability to make their own financial choices.”

Supporters of Donald Trump may use the Coinbase Commerce tool to donate any cryptocurrency to his campaign. According to Julia Krieger, a spokesperson at Coinbase,

“Crypto is apolitical and expedites the transfer of funds because to its low transaction fees and high speed. During this election season, any candidate may use the Coinbase platform.”

The campaign also said that the Federal Election Commission’s standards would govern the donation limit and other conditions. The campaign used the following statement to criticize Biden’s stance on cryptocurrencies: “MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency choice, will assemble a crypto army, driving the campaign to victory on November 5th!”

By announcing that his campaign would accept cryptocurrency contributions, Donald Trump has officially become the “first major party candidate” to do so. “Cryptocurrency CEOs and oil billionaires are crawling out of the woodwork for Trump,” Biden told his fans.

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